Growing your dõTERRA Business with Continuing Education

Welcome to our continuing education series, Visionary Leader!

This is the key to retaining and nourishing our customers, engagement with the loyalty program, and finding & training Wellness Advocates.

Triple-Diamond doTERRA leader Allyse Sedivy teaches this weekly 8-part series to her customers, encouraging them to understand oil usage for their health and for their families’ health as well. These classes are SO good!

Click into the album on Vimeo to share these individually with your customers.

Suggested Best Practices:

  1. Listen to Calls 30 & 31 by Allyse at

  2. Print out this punchcard to use to incentivize your customers to attend the 8 classes! At the end of the classes you can give them a prize and or make a certificate of completion.

  3. We encourage you to teach classes in person whenever possible! We have the awesome PDF printables below for you to print out and use to teach your classes.

  4. When you need to do an online webinar class, use the Powerpoint presentations.

Class notes: Print Here

Print: I have oils, now what?
Print: Nutrition & Supplements
Print: Toxin-free Living
Print: Oils for Every Age
Print: Essential Skincare
Print: Stress, Sleep & Emotions
Print: Women’s Health & Hormones
Print: Essential Oils for Pain

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